It’s April

Welcome to Spring.

I wish I could report something as positive as my title suggests.

Today our provincial government has announced that, due to the rising numbers of people in ICU and to protect our hospital capacities, effective Saturday, April 3, 2021 at 12:01 a.m., the entire province will be under another four-week shutdown.  You read that right, folks. Another four whole weeks where we get to do the bare minimum.  Sadly, nothing much has changed.

There’s absolutely nothing I can do about it. I am not happy, but what other choice do I have?  I honestly feel for the small business owners that have been holding on by a thread, barely making ends meet and taking on debt just to keep their businesses alive.  I’ve been incredibly lucky to have maintained employment throughout the pandemic.

In my situation, I’m only really affected by the gyms not being able to open, so, once again, I’ll have to resort to in-home workouts for another month.  Under the new orders, gyms are not allowed to hold outdoor workouts.

That said, I have two programs that I’ll be working on.  The main program is a twelve-week trainer that includes mostly dumbbell exercises. There are also a few exercises that are body weight (obviously) and some kettlebell work.  In addition to that, I’ve decided to tack on a supplemental, six-week core trainer.  I’ll repeat the six weeks for a total of 12.

Along with the training, I’ll be trying my darndest to stick to a meal plan within my macros.  For the majority of my plan, I will fall back on the eating plan I used two summers ago for the summer challenge my trainer was holding.  That means that my food will be repetitive, except for maybe a day or two, where I completely switch it up, but still staying within my macros.

I am going to stick to “real” foods, as much as possible, with limited intake of processed foods and/or takeout.  So far, for day 1, I hit my macros bang on.

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