Brighter Days Ahead, Please?

Well, it’s a dark, drabby day today.  Grey skies are threatening to release some rain.  It’s also pretty chilly outside compared to the recent string of warm weather this past week.

As if things couldn’t get any bleaker, reports are starting to emerge about a cabinet ministers’ meeting being held today.  It is rumoured that the premier is going to make an announcement tomorrow afternoon.  It is believed that this announcement will discuss the ever-increasing COVID variant cases, which are now on the rise, the ICU capacities reaching limit, and further restrictions that will be dished out.

The rumoured restrictions are that the current stay-at-home order will be extended (I mean, did it ever really end?) and stiffer fines will be handed out to employers who insist their employees work in the office IF they have the capability to allow their employees to work from home. 

Honestly, I’ve had just about as much as I can handle and I’m really, really starting to get sick of all of this, as I’m sure every other human on this planet is.

I’ve been struggling to keep myself from falling into some type of depression, but I’m getting sadder by the day.  To add, I’ve been eating like crap.  I haven’t been exercising.  Sleep has been almost non-existent due to back pain.  I’m exhausted, and it’s showing: physically and mentally.  I even had the return of a couple of hives pop up on my face last night.

To keep myself from getting too distracted by sad things and things I can’t control, I’ve tried to keep myself busy by watching or doing things that make me happy.  I started scrolling through my camera roll and came across vibrant pictures of my garden last year.  To me, the blooming and blossoming of wonderfully-coloured flowers represent hope and new life.

2020-garden2I can’t wait to be able to fix up my front and back gardens.  I would just like the weather to warm up just a bit before I tackle anything.  I’m not even sure if I’ll be able to visit any garden centres. That all depends on the restrictions in place.

  2020-garden3In the meantime, I’ve sprinkled some photos from my front garden from last spring/summer in this post.  If you’re reading this, I hope it brightens up your day a bit.  

2020-garden4Can you spot the bees?  How many did you find?



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