Workout Wednesday

Well, I was all gung-ho about the start of spring and the start of new possibilities to get my fitness back on track.

Sadly, nothing much has happened since then.  I think I’ve maybe had two workouts where I worked on full body both times.  That’s the extent of it.  I’m really, really struggling to get back on track.

Of the six steps I posted, I’ve managed to keep up with one: taking vitamins regularly.

Another two weeks was added to our stay-at-home order, so the possibility of doing anything has been pushed to, at the earliest, May 20, 2021.

I honestly don’t know what to do.


  1. I think you speak for many of us about not knowing what to do about accomplishing fitness goals. I’ve made a strategic retreat, figuring that once the pandemic is under control I’ll get back to more exercise. I can’t change the world, but I can change my attitude toward it.


    1. Exactly! I can’t change things either, but I can control how I choose to react to it. That’s a WIP every day! I just need to stick to some sort of plan. I think I may sign up for online workouts again. to keep me accountable. Thank you for commenting! You are the first one on my newest blog.

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