Goodreads~My Year in Books

This will be my first-ever “year in” post. As you can see, I’ve chosen to start with Goodreads.

My 2022 goal was nine, which was two more than 2021, which was one more than 2020.  I managed to finish 11.

My goals aren’t as lofty as other book lovers, but honestly, I just don’t have the time. Between work, the gym, my other hobby (which I have never mentioned), and household responsibilities…

…wait a minute, I suppose I could find some time if I spend less time online in the evening.

Anyway, most of my reading was done over a three-month span, in the summer, during my lunch hour.

My shortest book was Margaret Atwood’s My Evil Mother at 32 pages. To be honest, I threw this one in there, so I can add another completed to the completed list. Ha! Hey, a book’s a book (that’s what I keep telling myself).  My longest book was Linda Howard’s Cry No More at 384 pages.

My average rating for books read was 3.6 stars.

My highest rated was Meghan O’Flynn’s Composed and Heidi Perks’ Three Perfect Liars.

I tried to post reviews of all the books I read, but I struggled with this, because I kept starting a new book before jotting down my notes on the completed book.  When I finally got down to writing my review (I have many in draft form), I had forgotten what made each individual story stand out.  It’s like the stories all blended into one.  I’m particularly referring to the Ash Park series.  So, rather than give a half-assed review, I decided to forgo it altogether.  I do have one more book (#10) to finish in this series.

I’ve set my 2023 goal for 11.

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