Workout Wednesday

In my last fitness post, I talked about how I joined an 8-week challenge.  My intention was to provide a neatly wrapped-up, weekly summary.  That didn’t happen.

I got through the first two de-load weeks just fine and posted a weekly reel on Instagram.  I got through Week 1 just fine and posted a reel.  But, that’s as far as it went.

At the start of Week 2, I started feeling a little under the weather.  It started with a sore throat that progressed into constant sneezing.  Not wanting to pass this cold along, I stayed home from the gym.   I nursed my cold with lots of tea (lemon, honey, and ginger), upped my supplements (Vitamin D, Vitamin C, NAC, and Quercetin), gargled frequently, and consumed lots of cough drops (for my irritated throat).

Although the sneezing and the sore throat cleared up rather quickly, I still had a watery nose and, unfortunately, an endless supply of phlegm.  Gross, I know, but it is what it is.

This runny nose took WEEKS to clear.  I mean, weeks.  I had to cancel a physio appointment, an acupuncture appointment, and another appointment I had scheduled.

During this time, I continued to stay away from the gym and fell behind in the challenge.  Currently, I’m so far behind that, while I think everyone’s on Week 7, I’m at the tail end of Week 2.  Obviously, there’s no way I could ever catch up, so I’m officially out.

I sit here writing this post from home.  Why, you may ask?  Well, because I’m under the weather.  Again.  I am stuffed up, but my throat is fine, so I guess that’s a positive right?

I’m hoping this round will clear up faster.

My feature photo is from mid October, because I don’t have any challenge photos I can use.

My plan is to continue to rest up and stay away from the gym.  I will have some time off from work at Christmas, so I’m hoping to make up some time there.  As I paid challenge entry, I get to keep the program.  I also have some time to decide what my plan is come January.


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